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Transaction Detail Query


Transaction Detail Query allows clients to view invoices at a itemized level. This is useful for verifying invoices or breaking down what was charged per order. You can navigate to this feature under Manage Payment > Transaction Detail Query


Once you are on the screen you can run the report  to see what charge codes have been used on your account. You can search by the following descriptions.

  • Outbound #: Order number assigned by Newegg for each shipment.
  • Seller Order #: Order number assigned by client for each order submitted.
  • Invoice #: Numerical identifier assigned to your order after it’s completed the billing process
  • NE Item#: Product Identifying code assigned by Newegg Logistics.
  • Seller Part#: Product Identifying code assigned by you.
  • Tracking #: Number assigned by a carrier to a shipment to assist in following the order through the fulfillment process
  • Shipment ID: A unique identifier assigned to each shipment shipped to Newegg Logistics facilities.
  • Service Code: A unique identifier for each charge on a transaction or service.

If needed, you can also filter the query further by clicking Advanced Options next to the Search button. This will bring up the Service Category, Service Code, Date Filter and Date Range filter. Once you have selected the Desire Filters.

Once you have selected your desired filters. Click Search to populate the table.  Below you’ll find descriptions of each column

Transaction Date: Date in which the charage code was applied to the invoice

Key Reference: This field only holds key reference information from the Reference Info column. You’ll find the Newegg sales order (NESO#) and the Tracking number in which the code was applied too here.

Service Category: Identifier of the charge code family applied.

Service Code: Title of the charge code being applied

Service Code Description: Description of the item or job for the code being applied

Charge Amount $: Total amount charged by the code being applied

Invoice #: Invoice that each charge belongs to

Reference Info: The field will store will store much of the codes core data such as the

Newegg Sales Order # (NESO#), SellerOrder # and more. Useful for filtering data in the excel report

Updated on December 30, 2020

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