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Send Inventory

3.1   Inventory basics

You need to create inbound shipments to send your inventory to Newegg warehouses before create orders. To create an inbound shipment (aka. send inventory shipment) in Newegg system, you need to provide following information at least.

  • Destination warehouse – Newegg warehouse # expected to receive the shipment
  • Seller Part # – Seller Part # of shipment items
  • Quantity – Unit of items to be shipped

You need to label each unit of the shipment items, and pack them into packages with packing list for receiving. When your shipment has been picked up, you need to mark the shipment as shipped in Newegg system, with tracking# and ship service selected.

3.1.1 Shipment ID

Newegg will generate a unique shipment ID to identify your shipment.

3.1.2 Shipment status

Newegg Logistics uses following status to indicate the state of a shipment.

Status Description


Inbound shipment created in Newegg system. Seller is preparing their shipment to Newegg warehouse.

Ready to Ship

Generated label for packing list for receiving. Usually means that you have packaged the goods and are ready to ship.
Shipped Inbound shipment has been marked as Shipped.
Received Newegg warehouse has fully received your shipment.
Partially Received  

Newegg warehouse has partially received your shipment.

Partially Closed Partially received shipment has been closed manually. No further packages will be sent upon this shipment.
Void Shipment has been cancelled.

3.1.3 Newegg warehouses

You can send your inventory to following warehouses.

Warehouse # Warehouse Name Location
02 CA Warehouse 02 USA
04 CA Eastvale Warehouse USA
06 GA Union City Warehouse USA
07 CA Rowland Warehouse USA
08 CA Rowland Bulk Item Warehouse USA
09 IN Warehouse USA
10 NJ Bulk Warehouse USA
14 NJ Small Warehouse USA
16 CA Ontario Warehouse USA
36 YTO 3PL Warehouse CAN

3.1.4 Shipment field definitions

Field Required Type Max Length Accepted Values Description
ShipmentReferenceNumber1 No String 50 Seller assigned reference # 1.
ShipmentReferenceNumb er2 No String 50 Seller assigned reference # 2.
ShipToWarehouseNumber Yes String 02, 04, 06,07,08, 09,10, 14,16,36 Destination warehouse #. Refer to 3.1.3 Newegg warehouses.
ShipFrom No Object Ship from address information. Seller’s registered business address will be used as default.
Name Yes String 80 Contact name.
PhoneNumber Yes String 30 ASCII

chars only

Customer phone #.
Company No String 100 Company name.
Address1 Yes String 100 First address line.
Address2 No String 100 Second address line.








City full name. E.g.: City of Industry.
StateOrProvince Yes String 32 Refer to US State and Canada Provinc e Codes Must be valid state or province code for U.S. and Canada. E.g.: CA, NY, HI etc.
PostalCode Yes String 20 Postal code must be valid and matches the state selected.

E.g.: 91748, 15206, 32507-

7761, 88029-0658.

Country No String 2-3 Must be 2-letter or 3-letter ISO country code. Refer

to https://www.countrycode.o rg/. E.g.: USA, CHN, US, CN etc.


Newegg will convert all two letter country codes to three letter ones automatically.

Memo No String Optional memo for warehouse reference.
ItemList Yes Object [] List of shipment items.
SellerPartNumber Yes String 40 Unique SKU # assign by seller.
Quantity Yes Integer 1 -99999 Unit count of the shipment item.
UOM No String PCS, CTN Unit of measurement. Must be one of following values:

·        PCS – Pieces

·        CTN – Carton (for carton-packed items only)

Default is PCS.







1 –


Piece count per carton, required when UOM is ‘CTN’
ShipCarrier No String DHL,



Ship carrier name used for shipment. Must be one of following values:

·        DHL

·        FedEx

·        UPS

·        USPS

·        Other

Default is Other.

ShipService No String Small Parcel Delivery

, LTL,


Ship service selected. Must be one of following values:


·        Small Parcel Delivery

– Consist of units packed in individual boxes and individually labeled for delivery

·        LTL – Less Than Truckload / Less Than Container Load

·        Full – Full Truckload / Full Container Load


Default is Small Parcel Delivery.

TrackingNumberList No String[] List of tracking# associated with the shipment.
ExtendedProperties No Object [] Customized properties and identification values assigned by seller for reference.
Name Yes String 50 Property name or identification qualifier.
Value Yes String Property valueor identification code.

3.2 What you can do with Inventory APIs

  • GET inventory/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}
    Get inventory details of an item
  • GET inventory
    Query a list of item inventory details
  • GET inventory/inbound-shipment/{Shipment ID}
    Get inbound inventory shipment details
  • GET inventory/inbound-shipment Query inbound inventory shipment list
  • POST inventory/inbound-shipment Create an inbound inventory shipment
  • PUT inventory/inbound-shipment Update inbound inventory shipment
  • POST inventory/inbound-shipment/mark-as-shipped Mark an inventory shipment as shipped
  • POST inventory/inbound-shipment/cancel Cancel an inventory shipment
  • POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-item-label Generate item labels for an inventory shipment
  • POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-package-label Generate package labels for inventory shipment

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-packing-list-label Generate packing list label for received.

3.3 Get inventory details

GET inventory/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}/{Warehouse #}

 Get warehouse inventory details of an item. You must assign a specific warehouse # to get inventory details of this warehouse. Please refer to 3.1.3 Newegg warehouses.

3.3.1 Request example

Get inventory details by Seller Part #.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/SY-82401/02

Get inventory details by Newegg Item #.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/9SIADFS9YD2804/08

3.3.2 Response example

Return inventory details of specified warehouse.

  "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
  "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
  "WarehouseName": "Warehouse 02",
  "WarehouseNumber": "02",
  "CountryCode": "USA",
  "Q4S": 1,
  "Reserved": 0,
  "InStock": 1,
  "InTransit": 0,
  "LastUpdateTime": "2019-02-25T08:40:09.473",
  "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-02-25T16:40:09.473Z"{
  "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
  "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
  "WarehouseName": "Warehouse 02",
  "WarehouseNumber": "02",
  "CountryCode": "USA",
  "Q4S": 1,
  "Reserved": 0,
  "InStock": 1,
  "InTransit": 0,
  "LastUpdateTime": "2019-02-25T08:40:09.473",
  "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-02-25T16:40:09.473Z"

3.3.3 Field definitions

Following table shows definition for each data field returned in above response.

Field Type Example Value Description
SellerPartNumber String SY-82404 Seller assigned SKU # to identify an item.
NeweggItemNumber String 9SIADFS9YD2804 System generated item # to identify an item.
WarehouseName String Warehouse 02 Warehouse name.
WarehouseNumber String 02 Newegg warehouse code.
CountryCode String USA Warehouse location.
Q4S Integer 1 Quantity available for new order in this warehouse.
Reserved Integer 0 Reserved quantity for open orders in this warehouse.
InStock Integer 1 Actual stock quantity in all warehouses.

InStock = Q4S + Reserved

InTransit Integer 20 Piece of product in transit to this warehouse.
LastUpdateTime Integer 2019-09-02T18:19:04.343 Last inventory update time in PST/PDT.
LastUpdateTimeUtc Integer 2019-09-03T01:19:04.343Z Last inventory update time in UTC.

3.3.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
InventoryNotFound 404 Inventory not found.

3.4   Query inventory details

GET inventory

Query warehouse inventory details by given search criteria.

3.4.1 Query parameters

Parameter Required Type Accepted Values Description
InventoryFrom No Integer Filter items by inventory (of specified warehouse #).
InventoryTo No Integer Filter items by inventory (of specified warehouse #).
LastUpdateTime No DateTime Filter items by last update time (of specified warehouse #). Only search items who’s last inventory update time is later than the given value.
CustomSeparator No String Any character excludes letters and numbers If your keywords contain “,” or “|”, you can this parameter to assign a customized separator (single character) for multiple values.
PageSize No Integer 1 – 100 Limit number of items to be returned for each page.

Default is 10.

WarehouseNumber No String 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 16, 35, 36 Search and returned inventory of specified warehouse only.

Refer to 3.1.3 Newegg warehouses.

SearchBy No String NeweggItemNumber,
Specify the field to be filtered by keyword. Must be one of following values:

  • NeweggItemNumber
  • SellerPartNumber

Default is NeweggItemNumber.

Keyword No String Specify the keyword to match against the field to be filtered.

You can use pipe ‘|’ or comma ‘,’ to separate multiple values. Use pipe ‘|’ if your Seller Part # contains comma ‘,’.

PageIndex No Integer >= 0 Specify the page to be retrieved by index.

Default is 0.

3.4.2 Request example

Query warehouse inventory details by multiple Newegg Item #
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory?Keyword=9SIADFS9YD2804,9SIADFS9X W8946,9SIADFS9XW8522

 Query warehouse inventory details by multiple Seller Part #.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory?SearchBy=SellerPartNumber&Keywor d=SY-82401|SY-82402|SY-82404

 Query warehouse inventory details of warehouse 02, and last updated from 2019-08-01 (PST/PDT), return first 50 matched items.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory?WarehouseNumber=02&LastUpdateTim e=2019-08-01T00:00:00&PageSize=50

3.4.3 Response example

  "Count": 10,
  "TotalCount": 13,
  "PageSize": 10,
  "TotalPageCount": 2,
  "NextPageIndex": 1,
  "Results": [
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
      "WarehouseName": "Warehouse 02",
      "WarehouseNumber": "02",
      "CountryCode": "USA",
      "Q4S": 1,
      "Reserved": 0,
      "InStock": 1,
      "InTransit": 0,
      "LastUpdateTime": "2019-02-25T08:40:09.473",
      "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-02-25T16:40:09.473Z"
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
      "WarehouseName": "CA Rowland Warehouse",
      "WarehouseNumber": "07",
      "CountryCode": "USA",
      "Q4S": 0,
      "Reserved": 0,
      "InStock": 0,
      "InTransit": 0,
      "LastUpdateTime": "2019-01-11T06:31:19.970",
      "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-01-11T14:31:19.970Z"
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
      "WarehouseName": "NJ Bulk Warehouse",
      "WarehouseNumber": "10",
      "CountryCode": "USA",
      "Q4S": 0,
      "Reserved": 0,
      "InStock": 0,
      "InTransit": 20,
      "LastUpdateTime": "2019-09-02T18:19:04.343",
      "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-09-03T01:19:04.343Z"
    // more ...


3.4.4 Field definitions

Following table shows definition for each data fields returned in the response.

Field Type Example Value Description
Count Integer 10 Number of items returned.
TotalCount Integer 13 Total number of items matches the query criteria.
PageSize Integer 10 Page size used by this query.
TotalPageCount Integer 2 Total number of available pages calculated by TotalCount and PageSize.
NextPageIndex Integer 2 Page index of next result. Will be null if this is the last page.
Results Object[] List of warehouse inventory details returned in this page.


For other fields, refer to 3.3.3 Field definitions in “Get inventory details” section.

3.5 Get inventory shipment details

GET inventory/inbound-shipment/{Shipment ID}

 Get inbound inventory shipment details by shipment ID. HTTP status code 404 will be returned if shipment not found.

3.5.1 Request example

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/10004532

3.5.2 Response example

  "ShipmentID": 10003757,
  "ShipmentReferenceNumber1": "REF-123456780",
  "ShipmentReferenceNumber2": null,
  "ShipToWarehouseNumber": "02",
  "ShipToWarehouseName": "NJ Small Warehouse",
  "ShipToWarehouseCountryCode": "USA",
  "ShipFrom": {
    "Name": "Newegg Logistics",
    "Company": "Newegg Inc.",
    "Address1": "17708 Rowland St.",
    "Address2": "Dock #4",
    "City": "City of Industry",
    "StateOrProvince": "CA",
    "PostalCode": "91748",
    "Country": "USA"
  "Status": "Partially Received",
  "ItemList": [
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8522",
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
      "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
      "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
      "UPC": "463565040544",
      "NPC": "00000150836191",
      "Title": "TEST - ITEM #1",
      "Quantity": 100,
      "ReceivedQuantity": 30,
      "UOM": "PCS",
      "PieceCountPerCarton": null
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8946",
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
      "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82403",
      "UPC": "463565040544",
      "NPC": "00000150836191",
      "Title": "TEST - ITEM #2",
      "Quantity": 25,
      "ReceivedQuantity": 25,
      "UOM": "PCS",
      "PieceCountPerCarton": null
      "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
      "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "UPC": "463565040544",
      "NPC": "00000150836191",
      "Title": "TEST - ITEM #3",
      "Quantity": 40,
      "ReceivedQuantity": 0,
      "UOM": "PCS",
      "PieceCountPerCarton": null
  "ShipCarrier": "UPS",
  "ShipService": "Small Parcel Delivery",
  "TrackingNumberList": [
  "ShipDate": "2019-08-28T07:42:37.884",
  "Memo": "This is a shipment for testing.",
  "CreateTime": "2019-08-26T23:34:34.943",
  "CreateTimeUtc": "2019-08-27T06:34:34.943Z",
  "LastUpdateTime": "2019-08-28T09:08:36.8898299-07:00",
  "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-08-28T16:08:36.8898299Z"


Following table shows definition for each data fields returned in the response.3.5.3 Field definitions


Field Type Example Value Description
ShipmentID Integer 10003757 Number of items returned.





CA Warehouse 02

Total number of items matches the query criteria.
ShipToWarehouseCountryCode String USA Page size used by this query.
ShipFrom Object Ship from address information.

















Partially Received

Should be one of following values:


·        Preparing

·        Ready to Ship

·        Shipped

·        Received

·        Partially Received

·        Partially Closed

·        Void


Refer to 3.1.2 Shipment status.

ItemList Object[] List of shipment items.






Newegg Item # generated by Newegg system.






SKU # assigned by seller to identify an item.
Manufacturer String Newegg Logistics Manufacturer.






Model # assigned by manufacturer.






UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Number) of the product.






Newegg Product Code generated by Newegg system.

3.5.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.

3.6 Query inventory shipment list

GET inventory/inbound-shipment

Query inbound inventory shipment list by given search criteria.

3.6.1 Query parameters

Parameter Required Type Accepted Values Description
SearchBy No String ShipmentID,
Specify the field to be filtered by keyword. Must be one of following values:

  • ShipmentID
  • ShipmentReferenceNumber (both Reference #1 and Reference #2)
  • NeweggItemNumber
  • SellerPartNumber
  • TrackingNumber

Default is ShipmentID.

Keyword No String Specify the keyword to match against the field to be filtered.

You can use comma ‘,’ to separate multiple values if search by shipment ID.

CustomSeparator No String Any character excludes letters and numbers If your keywords contain “,” or “|”, you can this parameter to assign a customized separator (single character) for multiple values.
WarehouseNumber No String 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 16, 35, 36 Destination warehouse.

Refer to Newegg warehouses.

Status No String Preparing,
Ready to Ship,
Partially Received,
Partially Closed,
Must be one of following values:

  • Preparing
  • Ready to Ship
  • Shipped
  • Received
  • Partially Received
  • Partially Closed
  • Void
CreateTimeFrom No DateTime Filter shipments by create time.
CreateTimeTo No DateTime Filter shipments by create time.
PageSize No Integer 1 – 100 Limit number of items to be returned for each page.

Default is 10.

PageIndex No Integer >= 0 Specify the page to be retrieved by index.

Default is 0.

3.6.2 Request example

Query inbound inventory shipment list by multiple shipment IDs.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound- shipment?Keyword=10003899,100039000

 Query inbound inventory shipment list by tracking#.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound- shipment?SearchBy=TrackingNumber&Keyword=1Z81W1R72410861670

 Query received inventory shipment list, return first 50 matched shipments.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound- shipment?Status=Received&PageSize=50

3.6.3 Response example

  "Count": 10,
  "TotalCount": 13,
  "PageSize": 10,
  "TotalPageCount": 2,
  "NextPageIndex": 1,
  "Results": [
      "ShipmentID": 10003757,
      "ShipmentReferenceNumber1": "REF-123456780",
      "ShipmentReferenceNumber2": null,
      "ShipToWarehouseNumber": "02",
      "ShipToWarehouseName": "NJ Small Warehouse",
      "ShipToWarehouseCountryCode": "USA",
      "Status": "Partially Received",
      "ItemList": [
          "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8522",
          "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
          "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
          "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
          "UPC": "463565040544",
          "NPC": "00000150836191",
          "Title": "TEST - ITEM #1",
          "Quantity": 100,
          "ReceivedQuantity": 30,
          "UOM": "PCS",
          "PieceCountPerCarton": null
          "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8946",
          "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
          "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
          "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82403",
          "UPC": "463565040544",
          "NPC": "00000150836191",
          "Title": "TEST - ITEM #2",
          "Quantity": 25,
          "ReceivedQuantity": 25,
          "UOM": "PCS",
          "PieceCountPerCarton": null
          "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9YD2804",
          "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
          "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics",
          "ManufacturerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
          "UPC": "463565040544",
          "NPC": "00000150836191",
          "Title": "TEST - ITEM #3",
          "Quantity": 40,
          "ReceivedQuantity": 0,
          "UOM": "PCS",
          "PieceCountPerCarton": null
      "ShipCarrier": "UPS",
      "ShipService": "Small Parcel Delivery",
      "TrackingNumberList": [
      "ShipDate": "2019-08-28T07:42:37.884",
      "CreateTime": "2019-08-26T23:34:34.943",
      "CreateTimeUtc": "2019-08-27T06:34:34.943Z",
      "LastUpdateTime": "2019-08-28T09:08:36.8898299-07:00",
      "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-08-28T16:08:36.8898299Z",
      "Memo": "This is a shipment for testing."
    // more ...

3.6.4 Field definitions

Following table shows definition for each data fields returned in the response.



Example Value

Count Integer 10 Number of shipments returned.
TotalCount Integer 13 Total number of shipments matches the query criteria.
PageSize Integer 10 Page size used by this query.
TotalPageCount Integer 2 Total number of available pages calculated by TotalCount and PageSize.
NextPageIndex Integer 2 Page index of next result. Will be null if this is the last page.
Results Object[] List of shipments returned in this page.

For other fields, refer to 3.1.4 Shipment field definitions and 3.5.3 Field definitions in “Get inventory shipment details” section.

3.7.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment

  "ShipmentReferenceNumber1": "REF-123456780",
  "ShipmentReferenceNumber2": null,
  "ShipToWarehouseNumber": "02",
  "ItemList": [
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
      "Quantity": 100,
      "UOM": "PCS"
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82403",
      "Quantity": 25,
      "UOM": "PCS"
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82404",
      "Quantity": 40,
      "UOM": "PCS"
  "ShipCarrier": null,
  "ShipService": null,
  "TrackingNumberList": null,
  "Memo": "This is a shipment for testing.",
  "ExtendedProperties": [
      "Name": "REF01",
      "Value": "ON00123239345"
      "Name": "REF02",
      "Value": "LAX"

3.7.2 Response example

Generated shipment ID is returned in the response

  "Succeeded": true,
  "ShipmentID": 10004543,
  "Message": "Your inventory shipment has been created. Please prepare your shipment items to Newegg warehouse, and mark the shipment as shipped after departed."

3.7.3 Field definitions

For definition of each field in above request, please refer to 3.1.4 Shipment field definitions.

3.7.4 Response codes

Status Code
ShipmentCreated 200 Your inventory shipment has been created. Please prepare your shipment items to Newegg warehouse, and mark the shipment as shipped after departed.
ItemNotFound 409 Item SY-82401, SY-82402 cannot be found in Newegg system.
InactiveItem 409 Unable to create shipment with inactive items: SY-82401, SY-82402.
UnsupportedWarehouse 409 Ship to warehouse ‘{WH #}’ is not supported.

3.8 Update inventory shipment

PUT inventory/inbound-shipment

Update an inbound inventory shipment by shipment ID before Newegg warehouse receive the shipment. If the shipment was received, only ship service and tracking # can be updated.

Status of shipment is read-only, you cannot update shipment status with this API. To mark the shipment as Shipped, please refer to 3.9 Mark inventory shipment as shipped.

3.8.1 Request example

PUT https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment

  "ShipmentID": 10003757,
  "ShipmentReferenceNumber1": "REF-123456780",
  "ShipmentReferenceNumber2": null,
  "ShipToWarehouseNumber": "02",
  "ItemList": [
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
      "Quantity": 100,
      "UOM": "PCS"
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82403",
      "Quantity": 25,
      "UOM": "PCS"
  "ShipCarrier": "UPS",
  "ShipService": "Small Parcel Delivery",
  "TrackingNumberList": [


3.8.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "Message": "Your inventory shipment has been updated."

3.8.3 Field definitions

ShipmentID Yes Integer The shipment ID generated by Newegg system to identify your shipment.

For other field in your request, please refer to 3.1.4 Shipment field definitions.

3.8.4 Response codes

Status Code
ShipmentUpdated 200 Your inventory shipment has been updated.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
ItemNotFound 409 Item SY-82401, SY-82402 cannot be found in Newegg system.
InactiveItem 409 Unable to update shipment with inactive items: SY-82401, SY-82402.
UnsupportedWarehouse 409 Ship to warehouse ‘{WH #}’ is not supported.

3.8.4 Response codes

Status Code
ShipmentUpdated 200 Your inventory shipment has been updated.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
ItemNotFound 409 Item SY-82401, SY-82402 cannot be found in Newegg system.
InactiveItem 409 Unable to update shipment with inactive items: SY-82401, SY-82402.
UnsupportedWarehouse 409 Ship to warehouse ‘{WH #}’ is not supported.

3.9 Mark inventory shipment as shipped

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/mark-as-shipped

Mark a shipment as shipped. You can update associated tracking# and ship service in this API too.

Only the shipment status is ‘Preparing’ or ‘Ready To Ship’ , you can mark shipment as shipped.

3.9.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/mark-as-shipped

  "ShipmentID": 10004543,
  "ShipCarrier": "UPS",
  "ShipService": "Small Parcel Delivery",
  "TrackingNumberList": [

3.9.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "Message": "Your inventory shipment has been marked as shipped."

3.9.3 Field definitions

Following table shows definition of each data field in above request.

Accepted Values
ShipmentID Yes Integer The shipment ID generated by Newegg system to identify your shipment.
ShipCarrier No String DHL,
Ship carrier name used for shipment.
ShipService No String Small Parcel Delivery,
Ship service selected.
TrackingNumberList No String[] List of tracking# associated with the shipment.

.9.4 Response codes

Status Code
ShipmentMarkedAsShipped 200 Your inventory shipment has been marked as shipped.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
InvalidShipmentStatus 409 Unable to mark as shipped when shipment status is ‘Received’.

3.10 Cancel inventory shipment

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/cancel

Cancel a inventory shipment before it get shipped out.
Only the shipment status is ‘Preparing’, ‘Ready To Ship’ or ‘Shipped’ , you can cancel the shipment.

3.10.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/cancel

  "ShipmentID": 10004543,
  "Memo": "Shipment not used anymore."

3.10.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "Message": "Your inventory shipment has been cancelled."

3.10.3 Field definitions

Following table shows definition of each data field in your request.

Max Length
Accepted Values
ShipmentID Yes Integer The shipment ID generated by Newegg system to identify your shipment.
Memo No String 200 Optional memo to describe the reason of cancellation.

3.10.4 Response codes

Status Code
ShipmentCancelled 200 Your inventory shipment has been cancelled.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
InvalidShipmentStatus 409 Unable to cancel when shipment status is ‘Received’.

3.11 Generate item labels

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-item-label

If your item do not include a UPC/ISBN barcode on the product packaging, you need to label each unit of the item with NPC (Newegg Product Code). Use this API to generate item labels for a shipment according to the shipment quantity of each item. Generated item labels are all in a PDF document, with one label per page.

Following image is an example of generated item labels for a shipment.

Manufacturer Part # (Model) is displayed on the item label by default. Contact Newegg Logistics support team if you want to change the default setting to Seller Part # (SKU) or UPC.Brand text (E.g.: “Made in China”) on the bottom is optional. Contact Newegg Logistics support team if you want to customize the brand text too.

3.11.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-item-label

  "ShipmentID": 10004543,
  "Size": "Large",
  "LabelList": null

3.11.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "DownloadLink": "https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal/ItemLabels_10004543_2019083115168.pdf",
  "Message": "Item label file created. Please download and print the PDF file to label your shipment items."

3.11.3 Field definitions

Following table shows definition of each data field in above request.

Max Length
Accepted Values
ShipmentID Yes Integer The shipment ID generated by Newegg system to identify your shipment.
Size No String Small, Medium, Large Customize the size of generated item label.

  • Small (60 X 40 mm)
  • Medium (70 X 50 mm)
  • Large (100 X 60 mm)

Default is Large.

LabelList Object[] List of items to create package labels.
    NeweggItemNumber Conditional String 25 Newegg Item # to identify the item for label generation.
SellerPartNumber Conditional String 40 Seller Part # assigned by seller to identify the item for label generation. This field can be omitted if Newegg Item # is provided.
LabelQuantity No Integer 1 – 99999 Number of labels to generate.

Default value is the shipment quantity of the item.

Following table shows field definitions of returned data in the response.

Example Value
DownloadLink String https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal/
Download link of generated item labels.

3.11.4 Response codes

Status Code
Status Code
ItemLabelGenerated 200 Item label file created. Please download and print the PDF file to label your shipment items.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
ItemNotFound 404 Item {Seller Part # / Newegg Item #} cannot be found in this shipment.
DuplicateItem 409 Duplicate item {Seller Part # / Newegg Item #} found in your request.
NoItems 409 Shipment has no qualified items.

3.12 Generate package labels

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-package-label

Generate package labels to indicate items within a package.

We strongly recommend that you package same items into one box. Same items can be packed in multiple boxes, but one box should only contain one type of item. A package label must be displayed on the outside of each box.

Same SKU packaging is preferred and will ensure fast receiving of your shipment. Mixed inventory packaged shipments may take longer to receive.

Following image is an example of generated package labels for a shipment.

3.12.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-package-label

  "ShipmentID": 10004543,
  "Size": "Large",
  "LabelList": [
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82401",
      "LabelQuantity": 2
      "SellerPartNumber": "SY-82403",
      "LabelQuantity": 1

3.12.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "DownloadLink": "https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal/PackageLabels_10004543_2019083115168.pdf",
  "Message": "Package label file created. Please download and print the PDF file to label your shipment packages."

3.12.3 Field definitions

Following table shows definition of each data field in your request.

Max Length
Accepted Values
ShipmentID Yes Integer The shipment ID generated by Newegg system to identify your shipment.
Size No String Small, Medium, Large Customize the size of generated item label.

  • Small (60 X 40 mm)
  • Medium (70 X 50 mm)
  • Large (100 X 60 mm)

Default is Large.

LabelList Object[] List of items to create package labels.
    NeweggItemNumber Conditional String 25 Newegg Item # to identify the item for label generation.
    SellerPartNumber Conditional String 40 Seller Part # assigned by seller to identify the item for label generation. This field can be omitted if Newegg Item # is provided.
    LabelQuantity No Integer 1 – 99999 Number of labels to generate.

Default value is 1.

Following table shows field definitions of returned data in the response.
Example Value
DownloadLink String https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal/
Download link of generated package labels.

3.12.4 Response codes

Status Code
PackageLabelGenerated 200 Package label file created. Please download and print the PDF file to label your shipment packages.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.
NoItems 409 Shipment has no qualified items.
DuplicateItem 409 Duplicate item {Seller Part # / Newegg Item #} found in your request.
ItemNotFound 404 Item {Seller Part # / Newegg Item #} cannot be found in this shipment.

3.13 Generate packing list label

POST inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-packing-list-label

Generate packing list for receiving.

Following image is an example of generated packing list label of a shipment for receiving.

3.13.1 Request example

You need to specify the shipment ID to generate packing list label.

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/inventory/inbound-shipment/generate-packing-list-label

3.13.2 Response example

Generated packing list label is returned in the DownloadLink field.

3.13.3 Response codes

Status Code
PackingListLabelGenerated 200 Packing list label file created. Please download and print the PDF file to indicate your shipment items for receiving.
ShipmentNotFound 404 Shipment not found.