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  2. Manage Items

Manage Items

2.1 Item basics

Before you send your inventory to Newegg warehouse. You need to create corresponding items in Newegg system. In order to stock your item inventory to Newegg warehouse, you need to provide following information at least.

  • Seller Part # – The SKU # used to identify an unique item of yours
  • Title – Short description of your item
  • Dimension – Item length, width, height (Inch)
  • Weight – Item gross weight (LB)
  • MSRP – Manufacturer suggested retail price (USD, used for customs clearance)
  • Origin countries – Country codes of item origin (used for customs clearance)
  • Shipping restriction – Indicate if this product contains hazardous materials, like batteries restricted for shipping

2.1.1 Newegg Item

Newegg will generate a unique item # (Newegg Item #, e.g.: 9SIADFS9YD2804) once the item was created in Newegg system. The Newegg Item # cannot be changed once generated. Newegg Item # will be used to identity the item and track its inventory in Newegg system.

2.1.2 Item status

Item may have different status. You can send inventory or create orders with the item only when it is Active, also you cannot update an item when it is not Active.

Status Description


Newegg system is creating this item. You need to wait for item status became to Active before use it.


Item has been created in Newegg system successfully, and Newegg Item # have generated for it.
Updating Newegg system is updating this item.
Disabled The item has been disabled for order creation.
Deleting System is currently processing your delete request for this item.

2.1.3 Item field definitions







Max Length Accepted Values  














Unique SKU # assign by seller. Must be consisted with ANSI characters only.

You cannot create another item with duplicate Seller Part #.









New, Refurbish ed Available values are:
New – Brand new item.Refurbished – Manufacturer refurbished or recertified.Default is New.
Title Yes String 200 Short description of this product.








Manufacturer name of this product. Default is Newegg Logistics.












Model # assigned

by manufacturer. Seller Part # will be used as Manufacturer Part # if leave this field as blank.

UPC No String 40 UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Number) of the product. System will auto generate UPC for an item if left empty.
UPC: 8, 12, 13 or 14 digitsEAN: 13 digits onlyUPC must be unique for all seller items with the same “Condition” or “Packs Or Sets” (except those Disabled items). Which means you can use the same UPC if item “Condition” or “Packs Or Sets” is different.







1 – 99999

Identify number of units bundled with in this product. Default value is 1.
Length Yes Decimal 0.01 – 485.99 Product length (inch).
Width Yes Decimal 0.01 – 485.99 Product width (inch).
Height Yes Decimal 0.01 – 485.99 Product height (inch).
Weight Yes Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Gross weight (LB).
CartonLength No Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Master carton length (inch).
If your product is carton-packed, you need to specify carton dimension and weight before you send inventory to Newegg warehouses.
CartonWidth No Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Master carton width (inch).
CartonHeight No Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Master carton height (inch).
CartonWeight No Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Package weight of master carton (LB).
InventoryManagementType No String FIFO
Available values are:

FIFO – First in first out
FEFO – First expired first out
LIFO – Last in first out
Default is FIFO.







Indicate if this product contains hazardous materials restricted for shipping.
ContainingBatteries No Boolean You must set this field as true if this product contains batteries.
You need to provide Battery Watt Hours or Battery Weight when this product contains batteries.
BatteryWattHours No Integer 1 – 99999 Total battery watt hours for lithium ion/polymer battery.
BatteryWeight No Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Weight (gram) of lithium metal battery.
MSRP Yes Decimal 0.01 – 99999.99 Manufacturer suggested retail price. Used for customs clearance for international shipping.
OriginCountries Yes String[] 2-3 Origin countries must be two letter or three-letter ISO country codes. E.g.: USA, CHN, US, CN.
Refer to https://www.countrycode.org/.Newegg will convert all two letter country codes to three letter ones automatically.
Images No String[] 255 Product image URL, must be started with “http://” or “https://”.
You can upload 7 pictures for an item at maximum. The image must be JPG/JPEG/PNG format, and cannot be greater than 5MB.Newegg will try to download each image your provided, and generate new image URL for each of them. You will be able to see these images when Newegg finished uploading these images to Newegg image server.






Additional information about the item.

SerialNumberScanRequir ed





Mark this SKU as required to be received and shipped by Serial Numbers.












Set inventory alert quantity. When item inventory reached or is lower than the alert quantity, a mail notification will be sent to seller.






Customized properties and identification values assigned by seller for reference.








Property name or identification qualifier.








Property value or identification code.

2.2  What you can do with Item APIs

The Seller Integration API lets you do the following with the Item APIs.

  • GET item/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}
    Get item details by Seller Part # or Newegg Item #
  • GET item
    Query item list with given search criteria
  • POST item Create an item
  • PUT item Update item
  • DELETE item/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}
    Delete item by Seller Part # or Newegg Item #
  • POST item/disable
    Disable an item for order creation
  • POST item/enable
    Restore an item for order creation
  • POST item/generate-label
  • Generate PDF item labels and return DFIS download link

2.3 Get item details

GET item/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}

 Get item details by Seller Part # or Newegg Item #. HTTP status code 404 will be returned if item not found.

2.3.1 Query parameters

Parameter Required Type Description








Default is false.

If you want to get inventory details for this item, set this parameter value to true.

2.3.2 Request example

Get item details by Newegg Item #.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/9SIADFS9D95206?WithInven toryDetails=true

Get item details by Seller Part #.
GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/T19031901701?WithInvento ryDetails=true

2.3.3 Response example

{"SellerPartNumber": "T19031901701", "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9D95206", "Condition": "New",
"Title": "Stainless Steel Mesh Wire Flour Colander", "Manufacturer": "Unnamed", "ManufacturerPartNumber": "6971069070560",
"UPC": "6971069070560",
"NPC": "00000138957422",
"PacksOrSets": 1,
"Length": 18,
"ConfirmedLength": 18,
"Width": 15,
"ConfirmedWidth": 15,
"Height": 13,
"ConfirmedHeight": 13,
"Weight": 362,
"ConfirmedWeight": 362, "DimensionUnit": "Imperial", "ShippingRestriction": false, "InventoryManagementType": "FIFO", "ContainingBatteries": false,
"MSRP": 12.9,
"OriginCountries": [ "USA"],
"AdditionalInformation": { "SerialNumberScanRequired": false},
"ExtendedProperties": [
{"Name": "Color","Value": "Black"},
{"Name": "Size","Value": "45"}],
"Status": "Active", "Inventory": {"Q4S": 0,"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,"Reserved": 0, "Warehouses": [
{"WarehouseNumber": "02", "WarehouseName": "CA Warehouse 02",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0},
{"WarehouseNumber": "07", "WarehouseName": "CA Rowland Warehouse", "CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0},
{"WarehouseNumber": "08",
"WarehouseName": "CA Rowland Bulk Item Warehouse", "CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0},
{"WarehouseNumber": "10", "WarehouseName": "NJ Bulk Warehouse", "CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0},
{"WarehouseNumber": "14", "WarehouseName": "NJ Small Warehouse", "CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0},
{"WarehouseNumber": "09", "WarehouseName": "IN Warehouse", "CountryCode": "USA",
"Q4S": 0,
"InStock": 0,
"InTransit": 0,
"Reserved": 0}]},
"CreateTime": "2019-06-07T13:45:21.133", "CreateTimeUtc": "2019-06-07T20:45:21.133Z", "LastUpdateTime": "2019-06-08T09:16:45.650", "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-06-08T16:16:45.650Z"}

2.3.4 Field definitions

Following table shows extra data fields returned in the response

Field Type Example Value Description
NeweggItemNumber String 9SIADFS9D95206 System generated Newegg Item #.
NPC String 00000138957422 System generated Newegg Product Code. Used to generate bar code for receive inventory shipment.
ConfirmedLength Decimal 18 Newegg measured product length (inch).
ConfirmedWidth Decimal 15 Newegg measured product width (inch).
ConfirmedHeight Decimal 13 Newegg measured product height (inch).
ConfirmedWeight Decimal 362 Newegg measured gross weight (LB).
ConfirmedCartonLength Decimal Newegg measured carton length (inch). Available for carton packaged item only.
ConfirmedCartonWidth Decimal Newegg measured carton width (inch). Available for carton packaged item only.
ConfirmedCartonHeight Decimal Newegg measured carton height (inch). Available for carton packaged item only.
ConfirmedCartonWeight Decimal Newegg measured carton weight (LB). Available for carton packaged item only.
CartonCountPerPallet Integer Carton count per pallet. Available for carton packaged item only.
PieceCountPerCarton Integer Piece count per carton. Available for carton packaged item only.
DimensionUnit String Imperial We currently only support imperial unit system.
Status String Active Item status. Refer to 2.1.2 Item status section.
Inventory Object Inventory detail information.
Q4S Integer 0 Total quantity available for new order creation.






Actual stock quantity in warehouse.
InStock = Q4S + Reserved
Reserved Integer 0 Reserved quantity in open orders.
InTransit Integer 0 Piece of product in transit to Newegg warehouses.
Warehouses Object[] Warehouse level inventory details.
WarehouseNumber String 07 Newegg warehouse code.
WarehouseName String CA Rowland Warehouse Newegg warehouse name.
CountryCode String USA Warehouse location.
Q4S Integer 0
InStock Integer 0
Reserved Integer 0
InTransit Integer 0
CreateTime DateTime 2019-06-07T13:45:21.133 Create time of the item in PST/PDT timezone.
CreateTimeUtc DateTime 2019-06-07T20:45:21.133Z Create time of the item in UTC timezone.
LastUpdateTime DateTime 2019-06-08T09:16:45.650 Last update time of the item in PST/PDT timezone.
LastUpdateTimeUtc DateTime 2019-06-08T16:16:45.650Z Last update time of the item in UTC timezone.

For other fields, please refer to 2.1.3 Item field definitions.

2.3.5 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
ItemNotFound 404 Item not found.

2.4 Query item list

GET item

Query a list of items by given search criteria. Query result is sorted by create time in descending order.

2.4.1 Query parameters

Parameter Required Type Accepted Values Description
SearchBy No String  



NeweggItemNumber, SellerPartNumber, ManufacturerPartNumber, UPC,


Specify the field to be filtered by keyword. Must be one of following values:


·        NeweggItemNumber

·        SellerPartNumber

·        ManufacturerPartNumber

·        UPC

·        Title


Default is NeweggItemNumber.

Keyword No String Specify the keyword to match against the field to be filtered.


·        Fuzzy match will be used for field

SellerPartNumber, Manufac turerPartNumber and Title.

·        You can use pipe ‘|’ or comma ‘,’ to separate multiple values if search by Newegg Item #, Seller Part #, Manufacturer Part # or UPC (matches exactly for multiple values).

Use pipe ‘|’ if specified keywords contains comma ‘,’.

CustomSeparator No String Any character excludes letters and numbers If your keywords contain “,” or “|”, you can this parameter to assign a customized separator (single character) for multiple values.
Status No String Active, Disabled, Creating, Updating, Deleting Filter items by status. Must be one of following values
PageIndex No Integer >= 0 Specify the page to be retrieved by index.
Default is 0.
WithInventoryDetails No Boolean Default is false.
If you want to get inventory details for this item, set this parameter value to true.
CreateTimeFrom No DateTime Filter items by create time.
CreateTimeTo No DateTime Filter items by create time.
InventoryFrom No Integer >= 0 Filter items by available quantity (by Q4S field).
InventoryTo No Integer >= 0 Filter items by available quantity (by Q4S field).
PageSize No Integer 1 – 100 Limit number of items to be returned for each page.
Default is 10.
PageIndex No Integer >= 0 Specify the page to be retrieved by index.
Default is 0.
WithInventoryDetails No Boolean Default is false.

If you want to get inventory details for this item, set this parameter value to true.

2.4.2 Request example

Query item list by multiple Newegg Item #.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item?Keyword=9SIADFS9YD2804,9SIADFS9XW8946, 9SIADFS9XW8522

Query item list by multiple Seller Part #.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item?SearchBy=SellerPartNumber&Keyword=SY- 82401|SY-82403|SY-82404

Query item list where Seller Part # contains ‘black’

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item?SearchBy=SellerPartNumber&Keyword=bla ck

Query items created from 2019-08-01 (PST/PDT), and status is Active, return first 50 matched items.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item?Status=Active&CreateTimeFrom=2019-08- 01T00:00:00&PageSize=50

Query active items where available inventory is zero.

GET https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item?Status=Active&InventoryTo=0

2.4.3 Response example

{"Count": 10,
"TotalCount": 13,
"PageSize": 10,
"TotalPageCount": 2,
"NextPageIndex": 1, "Results": [
{"SellerPartNumber": "T19031901701", "NeweggItemNumber":
"9SIADFS9D95206", "Condition": "New",
"Title": "Stainless Steel Mesh Wire Flour Colander", "Manufacturer":
"Unnamed", "ManufacturerCode": 196213,
"ManufacturerPartNumber": "6971069070560",
"UPC": "6971069070560",
"NPC": "00000138957422",
"PacksOrSets": 1,
"Length": 18,
"ConfirmedLength": 18,
"Width": 15,
"ConfirmedWidth": 15,
"Height": 13,
"ConfirmedHeight": 13,
"Weight": 362,
"ConfirmedWeight": 362, "DimensionUnit": "Imperial",
"ShippingRestriction": false, "InventoryManagementType": "FIFO", "ContainingBatteries": false,
"MSRP": 12.9,
"OriginCountries": [ "USA"],
"Images": [ "https://images10.newegg.com/productimage/
"AdditionalInformation": { "SerialNumberScanRequired": false},
"Status": "Active",
"CreateTime": "2019-06-07T13:45:21.133", "CreateTimeUtc": "2019-06-07T20:45:21.133Z", "LastUpdateTime": "2019-06-08T09:16:45.650", "LastUpdateTimeUtc": "2019-06-08T16:16:45.650Z"}
// more ...]}

2.4.4 Field definitions

Field Type Example Value Description
Count Integer 10 Number of items returned.
TotalCount Integer 13 Total number of items matches
the query criteria.
PageSize Integer 10 Page size used by this query.
TotalPageCount Integer 2 Total number of available pages
calculated by TotalCount and PageSize.
NextPageIndex Integer 2 Page index of next result.
Will be null if this is the last page.
Results Object[] List of items returned in this page.

For other fields, refer to 2.1.3 Item field definitions and 2.3.4 Field definitions in “Get item details” section.

2.5 Create item

POST item

Create an item. Item status will be “Creating” after you submitted your item creation request. Item status will be changed to Active when Newegg system completed the item creation.

2.5.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item

{"SellerPartNumber": "test-sku#123456", "Condition": "New",
"Title": "Testing sku 123456", "Manufacturer": "Newegg Logistics", "ManufacturerPartNumber": "sku#123456", "UPC": "40076543210",
"PacksOrSets": 1,
"Length": 1.5,
"Width": 1.2,
"Height": 1,
"Weight": 0.9, "CartonLength": null, "CartonWidth": null, "CartonHeight": null, "CartonWeight": null, "ShippingRestriction": false,
"InventoryManagementType": "FIFO", "ContainingBatteries": false, "BatteryWattHours": null, "BatteryWeight": null,
"MSRP": 339.99,
"OriginCountries": [ "CHN"],
"Images": [ "http://sample.com/image.jpg"],
"AdditionalInformation": { "SerialNumberScanRequired": false},
"ExtendedProperties": null}

2.5.2 Response example

Item creation request submitted. HTTP status code is 200.

 {“Succeeded”: true,
“Code”: “RequestSubmitted”,
“Message”: “Your item creation request has been submitted. The system may take about 1 minute to process your request. Item status will be changed to Active when the process is completed.”}

Create item failed. HTTP status code is 500.

 {“Succeeded”: false,
“Code”: “ItemAlreadyExists”,
“Message”: “An item with the same Seller Part # already exists}

2.5.3 Field definitions

Please refer to 2.1.3 Item field definitions.

ⓘ Seller Part #, Condition and Packs Or Sets fields are read-only after created. Please check these fields carefully before submit your item creation request.

2.5.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
RequestSubmitted 200 Your item creation request has been submitted. The system may take about 1 minute to process your request. Item status will be changed to Active when the process is completed.
ItemAlreadyExists 409 An item with the same Seller Part# already exists.
DuplicateUPC 409 An item with the same UPC already exists.
SellerPartNumberAlreadyUsed 409 Seller Part # already used as BOM item ID.

2.6 Update item

PUT item

You can update item only when item is “Active”. Item status will be “Updating” after your submitted your update request. Item status will be restored to Active when Newegg system finished updating your item.

You cannot update following fields with this API, because these fields are read-only after item was created:

  • Seller Part #
  • Condition
  • Packs Or Sets

ⓘ If you do want to update above fields, please send your update request to Newegg Logistics support team.

2.6.1 Request example

Only given fields will be updated. You must specify Newegg Item # or Seller Part # to identify the item need to be updated in your request.

PUT https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item

"NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8522", "Title": "Testing sku 123456 (black)", "ManufacturerPartNumber": "sku#123456-black", "UPC": "40076543216",
"Length": 1.8,
"Width": 1.6,
"Height": 1.2,
"Weight": 0.9,
"MSRP": 389.99

2.6.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "Code": "RequestSubmitted",
  "Message": "Your item update request has been submitted. The system may take a few seconds to process your request. Item status will be changed to Active when the process is completed."

2.6.3 Field definitions

You must provide either Newegg Item # or Seller Part # in your request to identify the item need to be updated.

Field Required Type Max Length Description
NeweggItemNumber Conditional String 25 System generated Newegg Item #.
SellerPartNumber Conditional String 40 Seller assigned Seller Part #.

For other fields, please refer to 2.1.3 Item field definitions.

2.6.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
RequestSubmitted 200 Your item update request has been submitted. The system may take a few seconds to process your request. Item status will be restored to Active when the process is completed.
ItemNotFound 404 The item does not exist in Newegg system.
ItemNotActive 409 Unable to update item when status is not Active. Please try again later.
DuplicateUPC 409 An item with the same UPC already exists.
SellerPartNumberAlreadyUsed 409 Seller Part # already used as BOM item ID.

2.7  Delete item

DELETE item/{Seller Part # | Newegg Item #}

 You can delete an item only when item status is Active or Disabled. You cannot delete an item with following situation:

  • Item has pending inventory shipments (in transit)
  • Item was used in any order
  • Item was used in any return
  • Newegg warehouses still have its inventory

Item status will be Deleted after your submitted your delete request. Item will be removed after Newegg system delete your item completely. Deleted item cannot be recovered, so be careful when call this API.

2.7.1 Request example

Delete item by Newegg Item #.
DELETE https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/9SIADFS9XW8522

 Delete item by Seller Part #.
DELETE https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/test-sku%23123456

2.7.2 Response example

"Succeeded": true,
"Code": "RequestSubmitted",
"Message": "Your item delete request has been submitted. The system may take a few minutes to process your request. Item will be removed from Newegg system when the process is completed."

2.7.3 Response codes



Status Code Description
RequestSubmitted 200 Your item delete request has been submitted. The system may take a few minutes to process your request. Item will be removed from Newegg system when the process is completed.
ItemNotFound 404 The item does not exist in Newegg system.
InvalidItemStatus 409 Only items in Active or Disabled status can be deleted.




Found pending inventory shipments with this item, unable to delete it.
OrderItemFound 409 Found orders with this item, unable to delete it.
ItemInStock 409 Item still has inventory in stock, unable to delete it.

2.8 Enable item

POST item/enable

Restore a Disabled item to Active, so that it can be used to create orders again. You cannot enable an item if the UPC of the item already used by other active items.

2.8.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/enable

 {// "NeweggItemNumber":
"9SIADFS9XW8522" "SellerPartNumber":

2.8.2 Response example

  "Succeeded": true,
  "Code": "ItemEnabled",
  "Message": "Item '9SIADFS9XW8522' restored to Active."

2.8.3 Field definitions

You must specify Newegg Item # or Seller Part # to identify the item need to be enabled.







Max Length  










Newegg Item # of the item need to be enabled.








Seller Part # of the item need to be enabled.

2.8.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
ItemEnabled 200 Item {Newegg Item #} restored to Active.
ItemEnabledAlready 200 The item {Newegg Item #} has been enabled already.
ItemNotFound 404 The item does not exist in Newegg system.
InvalidItemStatus 409 Only disabled items can be enabled.

2.9 Disable item

POST item/disable

Disable an item for create orders. Item status will be changed to Disabled after you disabled it.

2.9.1 Request example

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/disable

  // "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8522"
  "SellerPartNumber": "T19031901701"

2.9.2 Response example

"Succeeded": true,"Message": "Item '9SIADFS9XW8522' has been disabled."

.2.9.3 Field definitions

You must specify Newegg Item # or Seller Part # to identify the item need to be disabled.

Field Type Example Value Description






Newegg Item # of the item need to be disabled.
SellerPartNumber Integer T19031901701 Seller Part # of the item need to be disabled.

2.9.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
ItemDisabled 200 Item {Newegg Item #} has been disabled.
ItemDisabledAlready 200 The item {Newegg Item #} has been disabled already.
ItemNotFound 404 The item does not exist in Newegg system.
InvalidItemStatus 409 Only active items can be disabled.

2.10  Generate item labels

POST item/generate-label

Generate item label in PDF format. You can see the download link of generated PDF label in response. Item label can be used to label each unit of your items before send inventory to Newegg warehouse.

Item label need to be printed on a thermal printer. Following image is an example of generated item label.

ⓘ Manufacturer Part # (Model) is displayed on the item label by default. Contact Newegg Logistics support team if you want to change the default setting to Seller Part # (SKU) or UPC. Brand text (E.g.: “Made in China”) on the bottom is optional. Contact Newegg Logistics support team if you want to customize the brand text too.

2.10.1 Request example

You must specify Newegg Item # or Seller Part # to identify the item need to generate item label.

Active, Disabled

POST https://apis.newegg.com/tpl/v2/item/generate-label

  // "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIADFS9XW8522"
  "SellerPartNumber": "T19031901701",
  "Size": "Large"

2.10.2 Response example

 {"Succeeded": true,
"Code": "ItemLabelCreated",
"DownloadLink": "https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal/ItemLabel_
9SIADFS9XW8522_2019083112039.pdf", "Message":
"Your item label has been created."

2.10.3 Field definitions

Following table shows field definitions of data in your request.

Field Type Required Max Length Accepted Values Description
NeweggItemNumber String Conditional 25 Newegg Item # of the item need to generate item label.
SellerPartNumber String Conditional 45 Seller Part # of the item need to generate item label.
Size String No Small, Medium, Large Customize the size of generated item label.

Small (60 X 40 mm)
Medium (70 X 50 mm)
Large (100 X 60 mm)
Default is Large.

Following table shows field definitions of returned data in the response.

Field Type Example Value Description
DownloadLink String https://image10.newegg.com/tpl/portal
Download link of generated item label.

2.10.4 Response codes

Code Status Code Description
ItemLabelCreated 200 Your item label has been created.
ItemNotFound 404 The item does not exist in Newegg system.
InvalidItemStatus 409 We can generate labels for active or disabled items only.